Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Beginning

The purpose of these writings is to record ideas, thoughts, revelations, and questions. I want to share these ideas with you. I also want to compile a list of "to do's" and follow through with it, and organize a good / positive / truthful system to live by. Prayer is especially important in a truthful system for memorizing scripture, finding your hobbies / skills, and improving your physical fitness, and to be organization at church.

What is Truth?

-Truth is Jesus; the physical walking being of love, I am or to be (who now has all authority over heaven, earth and hell).
-Truth is holy and perfect in love, life and friendship. It is also rich in faith.
-Truth is always good; the essence of all things good.
-Truth is life; the living word / a source of light.
-Truth is a promise from god.
-Truth is self improvement, and upgrade from your vanity / flesh.
-Truth is blessings eternal from heaven.
-Truth is help / assistance from God for all of humanity to find him, come to him, and be with him. His holy / positive rule.
-Truth is true happiness, complete fulfillment, and surety.
-Truth is clarity, light, simplicity, wisdom, passion, control and discipline.
-Truth is the opposite of the lie.
-Truth is unity / cross cultural / timeless.
-Truth is love for God the Father.
-Truth is peace, security, prosperity, joy / blessings.
-Truth is the essence of "yes".
-Truth is giving, sharing, sacrifice, humbleness.
-Truth is healing. -Truth is learning (explained / reveled in patterns).
-Truth is massive mental power / knowledge / teaching.

What is the Deception?

-Deception is Satan; the Lie that creates his kingdom on earth and builds armies to rise to power.
-Deception is the enemy.
-Deception is hate (especially for God the Master).
-Deception is division, racism, borders, fads, trends, commercialism.
-Deception is killing.
-Deception is adultery.
-Deception is rape.
-Deception is stealing, taking, excessive consumption.
-Deception is pure evil.
-Deception is hypocrisy, confusion, complexity (1000 facts fused together to construct a pretty believable delusion), false testament.
-Deception is contamination.
-Deception is addiction, drunkenness, demon possessed.
-Deception is doubt, waywardness, indecisiveness.
-Deception is laziness, sloth ness
-Deception is carnal desires, indulging in the flesh, humanity / physical world / living on earth.
-Deception is sin; hell eternal
-Deception is death / suffering.
-Deception is war, mass physical power (false power), darkness, blindness.
-Deception is self-destruction.
-Deception is stupidity growing more stupid.
-Deception is a curse (always decreasing).
-Deception is sickness, disease, toxic infection.
-Deception is excess, gluttony.
-Deception is backstabbing, cheating, betrayal, hurting your friends / family / community / world.
-Deception is pollution, waste, trash.
-Deception is ignorance.
-Deception is crime.
-Deception is arrogance, vanity, pride, temptations of the flesh.

What is God?

-God is the King of all things on heaven and earth. His rule is perfect and is in effect now, has always been effect in the past and will always be in effect forever. He all that is, was, or will be ever.
-God is the father, the master, the ruler and the creator.
-God is justice / equality / balance.
-God is perfection (holiness, pure and ultimate power).
-God is protection that never fails; covering from any harm / demonic attack.
-God is creation.
-God is the law of the universe, nature, physics, science, art, beauty, history, government.
-God is total control, the ultimate authority / true majority / democratic rule.
-God is the will to rule over all
-God is inspiration, beauty
-God is punishment to evil
-God is all time, space, mass, and heaven (the abstract / 4th dimension / spiritual world we neither see or understand)
-God is so big; he is everything / indescribable / infinite glory.
-God has all the power / talent / skills / ability to create the universe and he chooses to give it to those who are faithful.
-God can do anything (only through him are great things possible)
-God is freedom / law / faith / hope
-God is order / a perfect system of rule / government / justice.
-God is the most powerful force in this world and in all other planes of existence, and nonexistence.
-God is all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding; past, present, and future.
-God is the alpha and omega; he is the "I am".

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