Tuesday, January 31, 2006

How terrible is a life of deceit, part 2

The thoughts and actions of a human who lives a life if sin and deceit are all cursed. Indeed all the words that come from deceptive thoughts are intended to poison the minds of others. It not only poisons the lives of the weak minded (people not strong in faith), but it further defiles the speaker’s own heart.

It’s just a matter of time before their resources run out. Here is an illustration to explain this point:

Think of a fresh water well in the, middle of the desert, as human life. Sure the fresh water (life) from a flowing river or icy mountain top may be richer and have a higher place on earth, but the water from a well in the middle of a desert is most honored. This well is most honored because it is the most humbled/ poor/ appreciated source of fresh water. The water inside the well is the essence of all life/ Holy Spirit/ treasure in heaven. All the water inside the well once flowed with the original mighty ocean source, (god) until it became cut off/isolated and independent in the middle of the desert (earth). In the beginning, the water is the purest it will ever be (birth). Because of the purity and freshness of the water travelers around the area visit the well to drink from it and be blessed. Day by day water is taken out and some sand/ salt is “accidentally” kicked in. Unfortunately, it only takes a little bit of salt to contaminate the rest of the water and soon after nobody will want to drink from it again. Sure, there is water still inside the well, but it just site and stagnates in filth, until eventually the heat of the desert dries it out or covers it in sand (in which case the life is over).

Now imagine if a holy man visits the contaminated well and takes out most of the dirty water and refills it to the top with pure fresh water. This can be though of as a baptism by water; a rebirth of the well or a second chance.

Some of you wonder; a second chance at what?

What can the well ever do but stay in the desert and evaporate. Well, it will bless many thirsty travelers who pass by as long as it stays pure. And this will all be for the glory of his name; the creator of all water and life.

Let’s say that you realize that you are a well in the middle of the desert (which you should because we all essentially are). If your mind is clear and true, you will realize that the only thing you want to do if evaporate and become one with the flowing oceans again. But remember that there is a purpose for you to be isolated in the desert (no, it is not to become more and more impure and die slowly). Your purpose is to share you water, and glorify him name.

How can you share your water to a much wider demand of thirsty travelers?

You can start with prayer and use god’s blessings to clean up your water ever purer until your water is so holy that your well becomes famous as a hotspot of the source. People will come from miles and miles to drink and be blessed from your well. Until, they figure out a way to bottle your water and transport it to all corners of the globe, so everyone in the world can share and enjoy in your blessings as well. As this happens, the source will surely bless you even more to meet the high demand for him. He will open up a water vein in the ground and connect it to your small well, and you will become on huge bubbly spurting fountain of water (just hope your well is strong enough to receive the massive flow of water that you hoped and prayed for, because when it comes in all its glory you might actually explode and cease to exist).

As long as the source is with you, you will live on forever and you will be filled always!

Please visit one of the greatest sources available: http://www.tapestrychurch.org/

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I’ll Ask You a Question:

Here is a new story that has reached me; it is similar but different to the story of the prodigal son:

There was a father with two sons. One son, by his actions and nature, was bad while the other was good and pure.

One day, the two sons went to the mall to go shopping. The father told his good son to stay close to his brother; and keep him out of trouble.

So when the two sons entered the mall, the first thing the bad son tried to do was run off and lose the good son. He knew that as long as the good son was keeping an eye on him, he couldn’t have any fun.

The good son was faithful to his father’s wishes and he was always two steps behind. But, he couldn’t stop the bad son from shoplifting at one of the stores, even though he warned him over and over about their father’s displeasure.

The bad son got caught by the security guards. But before he was taken off to jail, he lied and told the authorities that the good son was his accomplice. And the good son agreed because he knew what the bad son was doing, and he failed to stop him. So they both went to prison to spend the night.

This was not the bad son’s first trip to jail. He fought and screamed about how much he hated it, but for some reason, he found himself headed there again and again. This was the good son’s first trip to jail though.

The father who was the richest man in town found out about the whole situation quick and set them free before they even saw the entrance to the cage doors. He forgave any wrongdoings of his two sons instantly and welcomed them back to be with him at his mansion.

But, suppose the father was not a rich man. Suppose he only had enough money to bail out one son. Which son would he bail out?

Obviously he would save the son that brings the most glory to his house and name; the faithful son.

In this scenario, what would become of the bad son?

Obviously, he would have to wait in jail until his father has saved up enough money. But, perhaps the bad son would find a pleasurable home amongst all the sinful men locked in with him. Maybe, he’d even become the king of the prison, and rule there until his end.

Now, here is my question to all you readers:

What would happen if the father had no money to free any of his sons? What are his options? What would become of the two sons in prison?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Key to Inspiration

The creations of God are awe inspiring and awesome. They are like a symphony that started long ago (long before you ever existed), are still playing, and will continue to play (long after your end). There’s so much of it! So many new creations: tunes, melodies, choruses, arts, and styles. So much to discover and experience! Try to absorb it all in if you can. Get the creative buzz (inspirational bliss). Get revved up and excited!!! Praise God’s creations, his works, and his glory. Get ready to be excited to learn more from the Bible. His influence will move through you and live!

Find potential and inspiration in everything!

When you see something godly and good (the best art: art always remembered)); see how beautiful it is and find inspiration on how you can do something like it in your own work or life!

-Finding the best is like seeing a flicker of God’s robe.

When you see something ungodly and evil (the worst art: art easily forgotten); see how ugly it is and find inspiration on how you can avoid doing something like it in your own work or life.

-Finding the worst is fun sometimes and oftentimes funny; it’s interesting to see the age’s deception and lies that they find to be the current style.

Experiencing these types of art/ creation will help you to reach tremendous growth and learn from a new perspective (gain new understanding).

Join God as he guides you through his perfect plan. Become his art, the miraculous work that gets his children’s attention. That is valued as a true work of the Father.

Or if you feel like making your own style of art that glorifies and praises God, and you know it his will, let it be done. But remember to do it in a way that praises him and the finished work will lead others to him.

Be god’s biggest fan boy; create his art so that you can be the first to see it when it is done! You will be one happy witness (and blessed too) when you do because it is magnificent to see!

If your focus is trying to make something cool, or stylish, that people would be tempted to see out of fun and excitement, make sure not to cross the line. Anything of excessive violence or perversion is never of God’s will. Never create art like this in the Father’s name, doing so will not dirty the Father’s name like you think, it will dirty your own name and will mess up up bad (set your life backwards).

When you see God’s creation clearly, you see the entire world of art and the importance of every little thing. God’s creation is perfect and balanced and inspiring.

For more inspiration visit: http://www.tapestrychuch.org

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How Terrible is a Life of Deceit and Deception

A life of sin is self destruction. Humanity always tries to do all they can to save themselves from the troubles of the world, but they don't recognize that these troubles are brought on by themselves.

The real answer is through prayer and relationship with god.

Unfortunatley, most humanity does not know this; the actions and ideas they try are vanity. These actions only get them deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Will they dig themselves too deep, past the point of no return?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

We Are the Tapestry

I am part of the Tapestry. We are one in the same, and my work brings the Tapestry to higher glory for God. One day, the Tapestry will grow so big it will be seen and known by all.

We should never complain about our current conditions or hardships. Rather we should work diligently to improve our life and the works of the Tapestry. To stay on this blessed standard of living and overcome future obstacles and trials means we will reach the next level (An even holier standard of life).

0 This is what it means to live in Eternal Light:

-Knowing and learning the teachings of God gives you greater wisdom, understanding, and truth.

-The truthful way to live is a lifestyle full of blessings and achievement. Living in the truth is accepting our many imperfections and inadequacies, and living a life of continuous self improvement (We all fall short when measured against God).

-Finding a deeper meaning to life and obtaining greater wisdom.

-Moving forwards always; avoiding back steps and knowing how to prevent them.

-Though we are and always will remain imperfect as long as we live with flesh, we should not always punish ourselves (try to kill your flesh) just for living on earth and having temptations of the flesh. It is good to keep your sights on heaven and desire to be with god, but also know that you are living on earth for a reason; to do God's will and increase his glory (Lead his children to him).

-We should only kill our evil intents. Even with all negative thoughts erased you will still lead a fulfilling life. In fact, you will be empowered with a more fulfilling life because God promises total, complete fulfillment from life if you follow him. The best health, happiness, freedom, fortune and blessings await those who go to live with the father.

-God gives us rules and regulations clearly outlined to live a healthy normal fulfilling life, all in a positive life giving manner.

0 Lets all pray to be fruitful and productive so that we may remain on this high level with god, and be allowed to reach the next level. Let us always strive to be a more perfect servant for God.

-Our minds are unlimited except by our faith and belief. We were made in God's image thus we have the soul to make our own decisions on what we believe as real.

-Our flesh is very clearly limited set by God's ways.

Our minds eye and ear are more in tune with experiencing god, than our physical eyes and ears will ever be. Cleanse and purify the mind. Keep a focus on doing god's work and become readily Multiple in his hands. He promises a strong and meaningful life on earth if you do. For God is the one who created you and he alone knows what is best for you now and in the future. Trust in his words and you will live life in complete fulfillment, for there is no better place to live than in the father's house.