Tuesday, January 31, 2006

How terrible is a life of deceit, part 2

The thoughts and actions of a human who lives a life if sin and deceit are all cursed. Indeed all the words that come from deceptive thoughts are intended to poison the minds of others. It not only poisons the lives of the weak minded (people not strong in faith), but it further defiles the speaker’s own heart.

It’s just a matter of time before their resources run out. Here is an illustration to explain this point:

Think of a fresh water well in the, middle of the desert, as human life. Sure the fresh water (life) from a flowing river or icy mountain top may be richer and have a higher place on earth, but the water from a well in the middle of a desert is most honored. This well is most honored because it is the most humbled/ poor/ appreciated source of fresh water. The water inside the well is the essence of all life/ Holy Spirit/ treasure in heaven. All the water inside the well once flowed with the original mighty ocean source, (god) until it became cut off/isolated and independent in the middle of the desert (earth). In the beginning, the water is the purest it will ever be (birth). Because of the purity and freshness of the water travelers around the area visit the well to drink from it and be blessed. Day by day water is taken out and some sand/ salt is “accidentally” kicked in. Unfortunately, it only takes a little bit of salt to contaminate the rest of the water and soon after nobody will want to drink from it again. Sure, there is water still inside the well, but it just site and stagnates in filth, until eventually the heat of the desert dries it out or covers it in sand (in which case the life is over).

Now imagine if a holy man visits the contaminated well and takes out most of the dirty water and refills it to the top with pure fresh water. This can be though of as a baptism by water; a rebirth of the well or a second chance.

Some of you wonder; a second chance at what?

What can the well ever do but stay in the desert and evaporate. Well, it will bless many thirsty travelers who pass by as long as it stays pure. And this will all be for the glory of his name; the creator of all water and life.

Let’s say that you realize that you are a well in the middle of the desert (which you should because we all essentially are). If your mind is clear and true, you will realize that the only thing you want to do if evaporate and become one with the flowing oceans again. But remember that there is a purpose for you to be isolated in the desert (no, it is not to become more and more impure and die slowly). Your purpose is to share you water, and glorify him name.

How can you share your water to a much wider demand of thirsty travelers?

You can start with prayer and use god’s blessings to clean up your water ever purer until your water is so holy that your well becomes famous as a hotspot of the source. People will come from miles and miles to drink and be blessed from your well. Until, they figure out a way to bottle your water and transport it to all corners of the globe, so everyone in the world can share and enjoy in your blessings as well. As this happens, the source will surely bless you even more to meet the high demand for him. He will open up a water vein in the ground and connect it to your small well, and you will become on huge bubbly spurting fountain of water (just hope your well is strong enough to receive the massive flow of water that you hoped and prayed for, because when it comes in all its glory you might actually explode and cease to exist).

As long as the source is with you, you will live on forever and you will be filled always!

Please visit one of the greatest sources available: http://www.tapestrychurch.org/

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