Thursday, April 28, 2011

Not Just News | 2011-4-29

Special Giving Opportunity
An urgent call for help from The Barn: Gary and Sarah Peterson, a family with 6 small children, recently lost everything in a house fire. Please help this family and leave a donation in the offering bucket made out to Tapestry Church with "Peterson Family" in the memo line or cash in an envelope marked the same. Let's be the church and help this family in need.

Prayer and counseling ministry
If you need special prayer or ministry and you can't be at church on Sunday to have our prayer team pray for you on the spot, you can email
If you need further counseling, deliverance or prophetic ministry, please simply let Lori know, so we can schedule a time to meet with you.

Volunteers and future volunteers!
If you are interested in email distribution for the volunteer opportunities. please email<>. You will be added to mailing list and kept informed about the volunteering opportunities with the Tapestry Church.

Kiddos' volunteers needed
We are splitting our one kiddos class into 3! Our very patient 8 year old is tired of hanging out with the 3 year olds and our babies are starting to discover their voices! To pull this off right each Sunday we need 2 people to help with the babies. 2 people to help with our 2-5 year olds and 1 person to help with the 6-10 year olds. Please see the sign up sheet in the hall and/or email<>


Tapestry 101 - 401 - New Members Courses
Are you wanting to know what the Tapestry is all about and do you want to stop feeling like such a NEW-comer???? Well, come on and sign up for the Tapestry's NEW MEMBERS' courses. The first course is going to start this Spring and we want you to be a part. Even if you are an OLD-Timer and you really want to learn the heartbeat of the Tapestry and find your fit, sign up now!!!!! Our courses are called Tapestry 101-401 and we will be starting them SOON! Sign up today by emailing Lori @<>. PD will love to have you! (They will likely be on Sunday Afternoons with lunch included!)

Building the Greeting, Welcoming and Follow up ministry.
Are you interested in making people smile? Do you like giving things away? Do you enjoy praying for people when they don't even know it? And do you love our church and want to increase the atmosphere? Well then, you are EXACTLY who we want to talk to for welcome/greeting ministry training. And yes, it is an EASY MINISTRY!!!!! If you love the heartbeat of Starbucks' atmosphere and experience, then you are the right person for this ministry. Sign up by emailing Lori @<> and PD will be leading a training later this Spring 2011. Even if you are not interested in greeting at the church and simply want to work on some spiritual and interpersonal skills with relating to people, you should sign up for the training. You do NOT have to serve. We just want to learn. This is FOR YOU!

Personal Finance Seminar
Having trouble with that budget? Can you never keep money in your savings? Are you feeling a little under water when it comes to your debt situation? Would you like to be a bigger giver and a better steward of your finances? Would you like to learn how to save, budget and invest wisely in line with GOD's standards? Then, sign up now. We are developing a seminar for YOU! This one day seminar is focused on helping people find financial freedom in a Biblical way AND become blessed so they can BLESS! Email Lori @<> to sign up! PD will fill you in later on details.

New Comers Lunch
New to the Tapestry?
Old to the Tapestry but never heard the story?
Sunday May 1st
1:45 at PD's house.

Ladies pot luck at Lor's
Wednesday, May 4th, 7pm
PD is away, the Ladies will play
Please bring a yummy snack.
Look for Event on Tapestry's Facebook Soon

Worship School with Chris Dupre
May 9-13 ,2011
First 1 week worship school at Catch the Fire Toronto.
For more info contact David Huang<>

Spiritual Retreat
May 13-15, 2011
Tapestry invites you to a church wide spiritual retreat to West Chester KOA about 2 hours from Kensington! Worship, Prayer, fellowship and family fun in the middle of God's Creation! Cost is $40.00 per adult if you plan to camp out ($30.00 for children under 17) or $65.00 if you want a Cabin. Cabins are limited so sign up soon. Children under 12 are free! Cost covers two nights, three days and includes all food and retreat activities. Please note that people are responsible for their own tents. Contact Seiji or Joan to sign up or for more information.

Wanna Play?
Sunday, May 22nd
Games and Pizza directly after service
Pizza and Soda provided!
Do you have the guts to play?

South Dakota Mission Trip: HELP!
The good news is that the Yamashita's are expecting their first baby! The bad news is that they will not be able to lead the missions trip to Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota this year. If you have a heart for children and ministering to them, and would like to be part of a team or lead a team to Pine Ridge, please contact Joan<>

Upcoming Vineyard Conferences in 2011

Project Timothy 2011
Aug 6 - Aug 13
The Barn, Landenberg, PA

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